Gamification is the integration of game elements like point systems, leaderboards, badges, or other elements related to games into “conventional” learning activities in order to increase engagement and motivation.

University of Waterloo

Game-based learning, in contrast, involves designing learning activities so that game characteristics and game principles inhere within the learning activities themselves.

University of Waterloo

Why incorporate game elements in the classroom?

According to the University of Waterloo, “Games can introduce goals, interaction, feedback, problem-solving, competition, narrative, and fun learning environments, elements that can increase learner engagement and sustain motivation.” Like grades and rewards for completing assignments and work, games offer a similar system in the form of points. In the classroom, game points can possibly be seen as an academic award. Like points, badges and leaderboard positions can also be looked at from an academic point of view.

As it’s explained by the University of Waterloo later in the article “gamification applies game elements or a game framework to existing learning activities,” whereas “game-based learning designs learning activities that are intrinsically game-like”Week 10 Gaming in the Classroom

As discussed in class, we are seeing technology in EVERY classroom! From apple products and Chromebooks to text to speech converters and reader pens, technology’s presence is extremely large in today’s society. Interactive gaming was something I found super interesting today. I feel like I am a bit out of the loop on the usage of technology in the classroom and exploring the benefits really opened my eyes!

Ideas for games in the classroom: (for creating jeopardy games) (quizzes) (quizzes and games) (quizzes and games) (quizzes and grades) (lesson plans)
