This week was somewhat unlike the rest. Since we weren’t in person this week we were tasked with watching some videos about Edcamp as well as communicating with our pods. As a pod, we were able to start talking about ideas for our project as well as think about when we meant to start meeting to complete it. Since this semester is quite loaded at the moment, we decided it would be best to do this project in the latter weeks of this course. As for weekly communication, I think it’s going really well! My pod group has made a great social space where we can talk about whose blog we are commenting on that week and ask questions about course material.

I thought this week’s material on Edcamp was really interesting! I loved how at these events, people are pushed to ask questions, communicate about topics they feel are close to them, as well as learn about new topics. I like the idea that it’s completely driven by participants. Because it’s personal, one can vote for what they want to experience that day. This is so cool because the possibilities of that day are endless and the choice is in your hands. I am excited for the day that COVID allows for opportunities like this again. I feel like an experience like this would be so beneficial for student candidates going into the school system! Hearing from other teachers and their experiences is something I feel like I can never get enough of. I feel like in this environment, teacher candidates would get opportunities like that so they can start to grow, learn, and develop as an educator too.
Wikimedia Commons: Edcamp logo
Edcamp Twitter: post-it board
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